John Don’t Project Area

Description of Project Area: The John Don’t project area spans the vicinity of Wrights Lake, Ice House and Union Valley Reservoirs, Bassi Creek, Silver Creek, Gerle Creek, Francis Cow Camp, and Deer Creek at elevations between 5,000 and 7,000 feet.

Project Summary: Vegetation removal through timber harvest, hand thinning and burning, mastication, piling and prescribed burning, meadow and aspen enhancement, stream improvement, and road improvement.  

Treatment Types: Mechanical thinning, tractor piling, mastication and follow-up shrub chemical shrub control, hand thinning, road upgrades, road closures and stabilization, stream and meadow improvement, prescribed fire.

Total Acres: 4,250

Planning Years: To 2018

Implementation Years: Portions beginning in 2017

Responsible Agency: USFS

Values to Be Protected: Forest, recreation, wildlife habitat, water, hydroelectric, wildlife-urban interface (WUI)

Fire History: The area has had effective fire suppression for an extended period of time and despite multiple fire starts over the years, large scale fire has been excluded from this area.

Contact: Dana Walsh, USFS –