SOFAR Focus Areas
While many projects are underway at all times in the watershed, since 2018 partners in the SOFAR collaborative have been working together to coordinate efforts in three focus areas to advance the cohesive strategy. Land owners / managers, such as Sierra Pacific Industries, El Dorado Irrigation District, and the Eldorado National Forest have joined with the Resource Conservation District, Fire Safe Councils, the county, and other nonprofit organizations to couple projects when possible to increase the benefit to local communities and ecosystems. SOFAR plans to develop additional focus areas this fall.
Chili Bar to Georgetown
- Projects Map (5/2019)
- The Kelsey Fuels Reduction Project (7/2021)
- Field Trip Presentation (7/2019)
- Presentation to Collaborative (5/2019)
Fact Sheets / Brochures
- Focus Area Fact Sheet (5/2019)
Camino-Pollock Pines
Camino-Pollock Pines Focus Area. Click map to view larger image.
- Presentation to the Collaborative (9/2018)
Fact sheets / Brochures
- Fire Adapted 50 Brochure (8/2019)
- Projects Map (5/2019)
- Volunteers supporting the Caples Creek restoration (2020)
- Presentation to the Collaborative (11/2018)
Fact Sheets / Brochures
- Focus Area Fact Sheet (6/2019)
2019 Caples Escaped Prescribed Fire
- Facilitated Learning Analysis (Report | Analysis of conditions leading to wildfire declaration)
- Fire Behavior Analysis Team (FBAT) Report